Leen Loves Style: a bit of Zebrabook magic for my Mini's
"Allowing kids to be the hero of their own story, the letters of their first and last name weave together a stunning and personalised story, taking them on grand tours of Europe or empowering them with cool talents. These are the kind of stories that power their imagination, enhances their love for reading and builds their self confidence. This is a gift that will last a lifetime."
14 December 2017
La récrée de maman pirouette: personalised children books by ZebraBook
The Mummy adventure: personalised book from Zebrabook for Christmas!
"Something to read - Cora has been sent a personalised book from Zebra book for Christmas. They sell a variety of personalised books for all ages and we could even choose the cover picture. The books are handmade in Belgium using paper sourced from sustainable forests and all their co2 emissions are offset. The book is beautifully illustrated and her brothers' each have a personalised story already so this is the perfect gift for her".