Travelling in Time is our 4th personalisable book, aimed at history lovers between 6 and 10 years old.
The story:
Staying with Grandma/Grandpa/an Uncle, your little one is bored until the moment when they discover a time machine.
And away they go! Watch them set off for epic adventures: they'll share in the mummification of Pharaoh Hatshepsut, take part in a vote in the agora in Athens, chat with Dido, Queen of Carthage, help Julius Caesar write his letter to the Senate, escape from a Mayan sacrifice...
In short, history has never been so real or such fun!Add the first name of the child who'll be the story's hero!Upload your photos
You can add the child's family tree! Including daddy, mummy, grandma, great-grandma, etc...Then they can meet up with famous characters from history
Goliath, the Queen of Carthage, the Athenians, the Egyptians, the Gauls, the Sumerians, Confucius, Buddha, and lots of others!Add your own dedication!
Write your own dedication and we'll print it at the beginning of the book. It's free, so why not!
The dream team:
Text by Marie Thibaut de Maisières, founder of Zebrabook, and fun feminist mother
Drawings by the talented Florence Weiser, caravan mad animal lover and soft hearted non-conformist.